Hearing aid styles

Hearing aids differ in size,price, special functions and the way they’re placed in your ear.The following are common hearing aid styles and their features.

CIC (Completely in the canal ) or mini CIC

It is molded to fit inside your ear canal and suitable for mild to moderated hearing loss adult.

This is the smallest , least visible type

It is less possibly to pick up wind noise

Uses very small batteries, which have shorter life and can be difficult to handle

Often doesn’t include extra function, such as volume control or a directional microphone

It is susceptible to earwax clogging the speaker

ITC (In the canal)

It is custom molded and fits partly in the ear canal.

It is suitable for mild to moderated hearing loss adult.

It is less visible in the ear than larger styles.

It won’t fit on CIC aids, but may be difficult to adjust due to its small size.

It is susceptible to earwax clogging the speaker.

ITE (In the ear)

It can be custom in two styles: full shell & half shell,both suitable for mild to severe hearing loss.

It is available with directional microphones(2 microphones for better hearing in noise)

It doesn’t have the function, such as a volume control

It may be easier to handle

It uses a larger battery for longer battery life, with several options for rechargeable batteries

It is susceptible to earwax clogging the speaker

It may pick up more wind noise than do smaller devices

It is more visible in the ear than smaller devices

BTE (Behind the ear)

It hooks over the top of your ear and rests behind the ear.

This type is appropriate for people of all ages and those with almost any type of hearing loss.

A tube connects the hearing aid to a custom earpiece called an ear mold that fits in your ear canal
Though some newer mini designs are streamlined and barely visible,it traditionally has been the largest type of hearing aid.

It has directional microphones

It is capable of more amplification than are other styles

It may pick up more wind noise than do other styles

It may be available with a rechargeable battery

RIC(Receiver in canal )or RITE( receiver in the ear)

The speaker or receiver sit in the ear canal,a tiny wire rather than tubing,connects the piece behind the ear to the speaker to receiver

Typically has a less visible behind-the-ear portion

It has directional microphones

It has manual control options

It may be available with rechargeable battery

It is susceptible to earwax clogging the speaker

Open fit

This type keeps the ear canal very open,allowing for low-frequency sounds to enter the ear naturally and for high-frequency sounds to be amplified through the hearing aid.

It suitable for those who have better low-frequency hearing and mild to moderate high frequency hearing loss.

It has a thinner tube than BTE ,It has an open dome in the ear that vary from RIC.

It is often visible.

It doesn’t plug the ear like the ITE hearing aid styles, often making your own voice sound better to you.

It may be more difficult to insert into the ear due to the non-custom dome.

Post time: Jun-23-2021